This book is aimed at people with very little to no experience in prospecting for gold. Its not specifically about metal detectors, but does explore the issues of search coil types and sizes as well as the typical detecting mistakes people might make when prospecting for gold.
Contents - Index:
Factors Common to most detectors
Coil, mono-loop or double D?
Coils, What size?
The Importance of nugget ground
The Importance of shallow ground
Pictorial - Shallow ground
Pictorial - Hillside and shallow ground
Hillsides and gold
Strike and dip
Pictorial - Detecting reefs
Detecting Reefs
Detecting alluvial areas & water courses
Pictorial - Alluvial area
Where to go
Map reading
It's important to note that the contents of this book aim to help anyone who has a passion for or interest in gold prospecting.
The language used in the book is English, and any photos and maps included are meant solely for illustrative purposes and should be treated as a guide only.
Pages: 21
Author: Stephen Barnham
IBSN: 9780957790919
Item#: SBM09